Leslie Flores Valmonte
Senior Policy Consultant
Through a comprehensive and collaborative approach to systemic reform, Ms. Valmonte has worked for the past 14 years to improve the economic and educational well-being of Californians. As a Senior Policy Consultant for IDEATE California, Ms. Valmonte leverages the necessary resources, tools and partnerships to drive effective policy analysis, development and implementation via strategic planning and communications; community outreach and engagement; as well as coalition-building. She is also the Executive Director for the United Way of Greater L.A.’s Linked Learning Coalition, the “backbone” organization of L.A.’s efforts to systemically advance college and career readiness for all students.
Previously, Ms. Valmonte was the Policy Director for the Alliance for a Better Community where she led the organization’s state and local policy advocacy campaigns around college and career readiness; “A-G” college preparation; high school dropout intervention; school transformation; educator effectiveness; work-based learning; parent/community engagement and corporate responsibility.
Ms. Valmonte continues to sit on several leadership councils and advisory groups at the school, district, regional and state wide level to advance systemic reform. She is also one of ten Professional Lead Reviewers for California’s Linked Learning Pathway Quality Review Team. Lastly, Ms. Valmonte authored and presented following reports at state and national conferences:
“The Road Ahead: A Snapshot of A-G Implementation within the Los Angeles Unified School District.” 2013. Co-authored and presented with UCLA IDEA.
“Policy Brief: Recommendations for Banking in Los Angeles’ Latino Market.” 2008. Report released with U.S. Treasurer Ana Escobedo Cabral as keynote speaker.
“The Bottom-Up Approach to Quality Education: How Youth and Parent Organizing Strengthen Linked Learning Pathways to Both College and Career.” 2011. Report released via national webinar featuring Congresswoman Judy Chu as keynote speaker.